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Meet Your Party Animals!
Click on a Goat to learn more about them!

Onyx has had lots of human experience since he used to be a house goat! Onyx had a hard start in life his mom Star had abandoned him and his brother to try and steal Jenny's baby Jasper. We took him on as well with his brother and bottle fed them and kept them in the house. Sadly his bother Loto did not make it but he did and for a bottle fed baby he is going strong!

Jasper is such a sweet goat with a great personality and characteristics! He would be the light of your next goat party. He loves goofing around with his friends and acting silly with his human friends too! He loves to climb up on peoples backs while they are crouched down its hilarious!

Jenny is Jaspers mom and a very sweet girl! She loves humans and kids. Her son Jasper looks just like her! Jenny would love to join your next party.

Pebbles is Thistle’s baby and he is very much a momma’s boy. He is always following her around, napping with her, etc. They are always doing something together. Pebbles is such a sweet boy and loves to eat treats that you give him!

Thistle is one of Clover’s triplets and is Pebbles mom. She is a new mom and one of the best moms we have. Pebbles is always by his momma’s side and she will always protect him. She is very sweet and is a little skittish but if you earn her trust she loves when you pet her.

Abbey is another one of the triplets of Clover. She was the biggest of the three and is very sweet. She is Sunny’s mom and is a great new mom. She is so sweet and loves scratches.

Pippin is a triplet and one of Clover's daughters. She is a new mama to Billy and Pearl but sadly Pearl passed away. Pippin is very sweet and loves carrot treats!

Clover is one of our oldest goats! We have had her for 6 years! Clover is one of the sweetest goats ever she will have a kid climb all over her and wont move a bit. She never bites or headbutts humans.

Sunny is very bright and loves to run around. She is a little more skittish than the others but once you get to know her she loves attention!

Pluto is a kind little girl who looks just like her mama Star. Pluto is quite small even though she is a teenager. She loves hay and ear scratches.

Coffee Bean (Bean)
Bean is one of the babies we purchased along with his sister Butters. He gets scared some times but if you let him warm up to you he is very sweet.

Butters is another baby that we bought she is Beans twin sister. She can get quite loud at sometimes but will settle down after she gets some food! Once she gets to know you she is a very sweet goat.

Mocha is a bought baby who's twin sister is Cocoa. He is also quite skittish and loud, as you can see in this photo.
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